About Alaine
How did I come to coach people to live better lives?
Wondering how I came to focus on helping people be happier, less stressed, healthier and even deal with loss?
To answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment, and a resulting “compelling story” that brought me to where I am today – coaching people over the age of 40 on exactly what to do to navigate to the next phase of their lives, and create positive, energy-restoring habits that set them up for the lives of their dreams.
That defining moment in my life happened in 2014.
I have always loved helping people. My childhood dream was to be a pediatrician. I idolized my doctors. They were nurturing, helping, comforting. I never felt like a number. I wanted to do that, and make people feel heard, seen, and supported.
I’ve always been a peacemaker too, first between my brothers, then between my parents. They were happily married for 51 years, but everything has ups and downs. I put a high priority on my friendships – valuing honesty and connection. I soon became a confidant and shoulder to cry on.
Along the way, making school course decisions, I gave up on my dreams of medicine. But I found a high-success, high-powered career in corporate. I loved the energy, the teamwork, and the success. And, yes, I loved the attention and rewards. I was thriving.
But, then I met a man. I loved him dearly and moved to Colorado to help him launch his dream pursuing his life, and his passion, and he was my love so I bought in. But I had never intended to be self-employed. Remember, I just wanted to help people.
My husband and I were a good team. We split up responsibilities well and were excellent partners and parents for our three girls. But it was tremendously hard not to bring the stresses of our workplace home. As time went by, it became clear that emotionally, we just weren’t the right fit. It was hard to ignore what I was missing.
Ultimately, we decided it would be best for us to divorce. Not only did I have to deal with my own grief, and the pain it caused my daughters, I had to find new employment. I knew it was the right thing to do, but oh man - it wasn’t ever easy.
I found myself back in the corporate world. I was in charge of sales, with a constant quota I had to drive and sales plans I had to meet. But that wasn’t the extent of it, they needed me to help with production, promotion, management, and more. Often, these roles directly clashed. It was mentally taxing and anxiety-inducing, and often seemed impossible. Add in my own overachiever tendencies and determination and - in short, it almost killed me.
My daughters were concerned. “You don’t look good, mom.” I couldn’t go to the gym (my heart rate was in the maximum zone by the time I walked in the door.) I felt like I wasn’t ever doing enough in my personal relationships and yet couldn’t seem to find any time for myself or my needs.
But through my work with a few different coaches, I started to see a new future for myself. I met with a highly intuitive practitioner, who took me by the hands and said “Oh my God, Alaine. Why aren’t you doing this work?” I had shut much of my intuition down as a kid, but the memory of feeling totally connected came rushing back.
Soon, with the full support of my kids, I stepped fully into my role as a healer and coach. All of the pieces of my life started to fall into place as soon as I learned that I was able to help people, but they had to participate in their own growth and dreams. AND, maybe most importantly, I realized I had to honor myself along the way. I began to be in demand, with clients saying “how do you know me so well?” I was finally truly helping people, and it finally felt right.
I left my job in November of 2014, and haven’t looked back.
I dove, headfirst, into this next phase of my life and started teaching others how they can do the same: I watched their happiness, clarity, and self-forgiveness grow too!
I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other people over the age of 40, see their lives in a different way, forge new habits to reinvigorate their minds and bodies, and never again feel like life is passing them by.
Since then, I’ve worked with many private clients, held workshops, and spoken in front of countless groups. I am actively pursuing my dream of living on a beach with my dog, Kami, and never, ever feeling that my purpose and my health are secondary.