Filled Up or Fulfilled?
“Take the time to focus on what’s important to you. It’s not about filling up the moments, it’s about the moments that fill you up.” Alaine Nolt
Our calendars are full. We sacrifice our sleep, our nutrition, our relationships, our body, and our mind, as we fill up our hours with obligations.
Each of us has specific beliefs relative to success that we apply to all segments of our life.
What do you believe? Be aware of when you are feeling so good. When we are content, happy, trusting, and feeling light, these are the moments that we want in more quantity. Be aware of the excuses you make for when your heart is hurting. When we allow ourselves to override our own intuition, we lose our connection to our heart and soul, and our truth.
How can you figure out what you believe, your truth? Think of 3 things that are extremely valuable to you. These “things” are a vast list with some examples being family, money, health, spirituality, and career. Think of how many hours you devote to these 3 things. Now think of what you could give less time to that takes up your schedule but has little or no value.
This exercise might be surprising to some of you. We are conditioned to filling our days without very much thought about how. We say yes, easily. We say yes with feelings of guilt, mistrust, comparison, anxiety. Our days are filled with unnecessary stress based on actions that are created from our thoughts.
We want to ask ourselves, is this thought about how I fill my days true to who I am and what I believe?
Do your thoughts make you feel good? If not, what if you changed your thoughts to match what is true for you. If family is valuable, and they receive the least amount of your time, then your anxiety will create actions and results that you are dissatisfied with. Turn your attention to giving more time to you those things that fill you up.
It’s easy, truly.