There is light at the end of the tunnel
Wondering how to address the stress and anxious feelings that come up when you feel out of control.
We all know that having control over all daily events is an illusion. What we DO have control over is how we spend our time and how we react to the events that happen around us.
When I ask people what their biggest health challenge is, the answer is always TIME. Time is elusive, we didn’t have enough before this pandemic and now, maybe we feel we have too much time. Too much time spent thinking, over thinking, stressing, grieving, feeling lost, experiencing loss. Our feelings consume us, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, fear, stress, anxiety.
But what if we change how we spend our time and how we feel during the time we have right now?
This is a time for new capabilities, making decisions, a new mindset, taking action to set yourself up to who you want to be when this is over. Do you still want to be the person you were at the beginning of the year, the person before this all started happening? What will your health be when this time has passed, better, worse? What can you put in place regarding your finances, your relationship, your career/job, your family so that they’re better when life returns to a more normal state? Are you already happy in each of these areas?
Epic reset!
So here are 5 daily steps to reduce and eliminate your stress and fear.
Wake up, drink water, say thank you for the day, and smile at yourself and everyone in your household.
What are the 3 most important things to you, your values, the things that are most important to your heart and soul? Example: spirituality, family, health
Wake up and commit to time and service in these 3 things every day. Take action to ensure that these are priority, above all else.
Then, as things have to be done, take the top 2, put them on a page and on a separate page, write the other to-do’s.
As other things come in to the day, decide:
Are they supporting or in conflict with your values?
Does this new thing supersede the two priorities?
At night, take time with gratitude for how you have spent the day
Our routines are different, who we spend time with has changed, the way we are used to living is very different. But with the things we that have changed, there has been an exchange with new things we didn’t have before. Connect to your values.
Here are some replacements we’re experiencing now:
Traffic time replaced with meals with the family
Getting outside instead sitting in an office
Talking to people we had lost contact with
New hikes instead of ski runs
Celebrations with out of state friends and family, together (zoom instead of missing out)
Embrace what you do have. Replace the negativity with positivity. Every moment is your choice.