The Secret to Creating More Time

I recently was speaking with a lady at the gym. I asked her “What is your biggest obstacle in terms of taking care of your health?” She was in her 40s and remarked, “time”. 9 out of 10 people I ask say “time” is the biggest issue when taking care of themselves, and their ages cover decades.

We all HAVE the same amount of time. It is what we DO with our time that makes it seem like it passes too quickly or that we don’t get “enough” done.. It always amazes me how many people feel they have no control over their time.

Interestingly enough, we are the ONLY ones who have control over our time. We choose our work, our relationships, our stresses, what we think we can change, what is important, our values, and how we fill our calendars. We DO choose every moment of the day. Every second is our choice.

What do you exchange for your time? How do you determine what is important? What is happiness, what is joy, what is pain, what is discomfort? How do we define “wasting time?”

What is our threshold, our breaking point, to make a change? How can WE create more time?

When something becomes more uncomfortable than the discomfort of the change, then we can change.

At a certain point, we will decide to exchange our time for different results.

When you feel your time is out of control, and you’re neglecting something, it’s time to do a check in with yourself. You are making the choice as to how you spend your day, joy versus struggle. How much energy and effort are you putting into possibly the wrong place which is affecting how you feel?

Where is more time waiting for you? Decide, take action, and create the time.

Alaine Nolt