3 Ways to Destress and Get More Energy

“I just don’t have any energy!”

Every time you encounter negative energy, your body's energy system takes a hit. We absorb this negative energy through our environment, foods, and relationships. And sometimes, those hits can cause blocks within your natural flow and ultimately disrupt your entire being, your mind, body and soul.

We receive many messages that are manifested through physical symptoms such as digestive problems, rashes, fatigue, and headaches. We also experience disruptions in our mental and emotional health too. Our energy as an actual system and typically, most of us do not think about it. We want our energy system to run efficiently and to work for us, not against us.

Here are three tips to feeling more energetic. These will get you started until we meet to talk about other ways.

  1. Declutter: when we observe chaos and disorganization, our anxiety increases. Decluttering gives space to bring in what you really want. 

    1. Kitchen: clean foods that are old, foods that you don’t want to eat, and foods that do not support your health goals.

    2. Papers: take time to file, trash, and organize your papers so that the mess does not weigh you down.

    3. Closet: donate, toss, and organize your clothing so that your closet is an inviting space when you are preparing for your looking and feeling your best.

  2. People: Simplify your life and eliminate the energy draining conversations or arguments. Make the choice to socialize with the people in your life whose energy and drive you want to mirror.

  3. Schedule: We easily fill our schedules/calendars with no free time. We are not maximizing our time just by filling it in. Give yourself time to breathe. Down time for relaxing and being able to make choices in those free moments, is imperative to our energy. Look at your calendar in terms of obligations versus the commitments that come from your heart.

Alaine Nolt