Today, More is Possible. Here's what I mean.
Do you want to just feel good, and not feel stressed and anxious, and you feel as though the day looming? That was me this morning.
I'm just finishing a run which I don't do often. I expected it to be rough but as I used it as meditation time, to focus on inspiration and mindfulness, I made it without stopping.
I am consciously moving forward, I am following my dream and it's a daily adventure for sure.
We all have a backpack full of crap. But as I have learned to use the weight of that as strength, the weight no longer knocks me off balance. Rough roads have brought me to where I am today. And now I fill my days with supporting, encouraging, and inspiring others.
Take time to listen to yourself and be aware of the things that bring a sense of peace.
Today I embraced the quiet, the birds, and the laughter on the playground. I said hello to strangers, I smiled. I work hard and I love it. I'm in constant motion. I see potential in everyone especially when they can't see it in themselves.
When you listen, what do you hear that is calling to you?
What direction are you heading? Are you pursuing your own energy? Energy is in all of us. Are you feeding it or allowing it to hide?
We fuel our minds and bodies constantly. Bring contentment into your day by feeling the times when your energy is high and understanding when it is running low. Be aware of the environment, the circumstances, and the thoughts that bring both joy and anxiety.
Each day, take time to change a challenge into an opportunity.
Today, chose to take 5 minutes at a time. Now feel like all is possible.
My encouragement for today are my client’s words from yesterday, "I can't wait for next week!"
Feel, hear, smell, speak, and see beauty today.
Are you headed where you want to go? Look at today as a bridge from what you have to what you desire. Not sure how to navigate that bridge? Let’s talk.